Tuesday, November 30, 2010

TwitterArchive: Corporate EdReform - Motivations?

TwitterArchive: Corporate EdReform - Motivations? (from 26-November-2010, 28-November-2010):

RT: W/the US DOE's budget on steroids & venture 'philanthropists' dangling $, are we moving towards a nationalized education system? #edchat

Billionaire Boys' Club & #EdReform: What's in it for them? What's their real motivation? /cc @DianeRavitch #edchat #education

Billionaire Boys' Club #EdReform Motivations: Privatization/Profit? Destroying (Teacher) Unions? Nationalization? /cc @DianeRavitch #edchat

@jmvarner #1 destroy teachers unions (see W4S); #2 private sector always knows best; #3 it's good to be the king (Mel Brooks).

Do #EdReform-ers want real #Education & Learning or just Training for Subservience & Order-taking? /cc @DianeRavitch @TeacherReality #edchat

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