Catholic Resources for Kindle

Kindle-friendly eBook Files

NEW!  Use Kindle Personal Documents to read the above eBook files on any eInk Kindle, Kindle Fire, or Kindle Fire HD, or on a tablet (Apple iPad, Android tablet, etc.) or smartphone (Apple iPhone, Android smartphone, etc.) using a Kindle Reading App.
1. Visit the Manage Your Kindle page for more details on setting up and using Kindle Personal Documents.

For eInk Kindle models: Instructions for downloading eBook files to your Kindle with the Kindle web browser:
1. In the Kindle web browser, click on the link above for the eBook you want to download.
2. Confirm that, "Yes," you want to download the file.
3. Wait for confirmation that the file has been successfully downloaded.


Web-based Resources

Papal Document Archive (includes Papal Encyclicals) --
* NEW! Now includes documents by Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) *
(Note: Enable Image Loading to view properly)

Daily Mass Readings + Liturgy of the Hours (aka Divine Office)
(Roman Rite, Ordinary Form--

Tridentine Latin Mass - Missal in Latin | English
(Roman Rite, Extraordinary Form)

Traditional Catholic Prayers & Creeds in English | Latin --

The Rosary in English | Latin --

(Links to full-text of 6 common Litanies in English | Latin) --

Stations of the Cross (Via Crucis) in English --

Holy Bible in Greek | English | Latin --
The Catholic Encyclopedia (early 20th-century) --

Short URL:
In Kindle web browser: Menu > Enter URL > > Return/Enter
(Tested on Kindle 3 [aka "Kindle Keyboard"] web browser; may also work on earlier & later Kindle models)

Donate $1.00 via PayPal to support the work done to make available these
free, authentic Catholic Resources for Kindle:

  • Conversion of additional Papal Encyclicals and other documents from into the Kindle-friendly .mobi format and making them freely available here at Catholic Resources for Kindle for easy downloading to Kindle devices directly from the Kindle web browser.
    • Advantages of .mobi eBook files vs. viewing documents in the Kindle web browser:
      • Easier text resizing
      • Highlighting and Note-taking
      • Less battery drain; no need to leave wireless turned on

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