AUDIO: "Pastor" Steven L. Anderson abuses the #Christian gospel to promote his gospel of #hate: #p2 #topprog #rebelleft
Should the "Faithful Word Baptist Church" in Tempe, AZ have tax-exempt status? #p2 #topprog #rebelleft #tcot #hate #fear
Should #p2 #topprog start a vers. of @mmfa 2monitor "right-wing terrorist" propaganda "preached" in so-called "churches"?
Audio (MP3) of more "sermons" from "Why I Hate Barack Obama" "pastor" Steven L Anderson: #p2 #topprog #rebelleft #hate
Police narrative of strange behaviour leading to arrest of "Why I Hate Barack Obama" "pastor" Steven L Anderson: #p2
Twitter account for "Why I Hate Barack Obama" "pastor" Steven L Anderson = @sanderson1611 #p2 #topprog #rebelleft
"Why I Hate Barack Obama" "pastor" Steven L Anderson attempts to Biblically justify his #hate speech: #p2 #topprog
Bio for "Why I Hate Barack Obama" "pastor" Steven L Anderson: #p2 #topprog #rebelleft
More insight into the ideology of "Why I Hate Barack Obama" "pastor" Steven L Anderson, via his essays: #p2 #topprog
VIDEO: #MSNBC discussion of "Why I Hate Barack Obama" "pastor" Steven L Anderson: fomenting terrorism? #p2 #topprog
It's amazing just how much info on "Why I Hate Barack Obama" "pastor" Steven L Anderson is provided by him on his own website/etc accts! #p2
All persons of faith, regardless of what that faith is, should be disgusted by attempts to misuse religious doctrine 4 personal agendas #p2
RT @sanderson1611: Check this video out -- Pastor Wants #Obama To Die Of Brain Cancer: "Like #TedKennedy" #p2 #topprog
Video: This past Sunday was "Bring your gun to church day" at Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ. Watch: #tcot
RT @CelluloidBlonde: [...] Homophobic/Obamaphobic Pastor Steven L Anderson facing poverty as clients flee
RE "Pastor" Stephen L Anderson: The real loosers in his #hate filled, anti- #Christian rants? His wife & children. #p2 @sanderson1611
RE "Pastor" Stephen L Anderson: Tempe, AZ folks: Pls step in & make sure his wife/children don't suffer. Donate food, etc #p2 @sanderson1611
#Tempe, #AZ #p2 #topprog: Pls donate food/clothing 4 wife/children of "pastor" Anderson-Don't let them suffer 4 his hate.